Senior School Children

  • Teenagers have a natural shift in their circadian rhythm (body clock), which means that they may not feel tired until later in the evening.

  • Exposure to screens can exaggerate the impact of this natural circadian rhythm shift.

  • Try to ensure teenage children are exposed to natural sunlight after they wake in the morning to help regulate their melatonin and counteract the impact of screen use.

  • The National Sleep Foundation recommends teenagers achieve 8-10 hours sleep/night.

  • Encourage teenagers to avoid caffeinated food or drink in the afternoon and evening to prevent this interfering with sleep.

  • Sleep is incredibly important for the mental and physical wellbeing of teenagers, & modelling this to teenagers is helpful. Practice what you preach!

  • Try to avoid inconsistent sleeping schedules. Even though sleep-in’s are lovely, consistent bedtimes and morning wake times are really helpful for our sleep.
