
  • Your toddler will be experiencing massive leaps in brain development. It is likely that there is also a lot happening in terms of physical development and motor skills.

  • The big leaps in brain development may mean some toddlers feel overwhelmed by the new feelings and experiences and may need extra attention and reassurance at times.

  • At this age your child may start climbing out of their cot. As soon as this happens you will have to drop the side of the cot, or remove it completely to ensure that they are safe and won’t fall.

  • Some parents start thinking about transitioning their child from a cot to a bed as toddlers. Birthday’s are not always a good time to make this move! It may be appropriate to wait until your child is a bit older to make this change.

  • The sleep needs of toddlers often change, which will result in different napping requirements. Toddlers will often be transitioning from two sleeps each day to one sleep.

  • Try to ensure day naps don’t extend until too late in the afternoon as this can interfere with bedtime at night.

  • Children might start to express some concerns about being in a dark bedroom. This often happens as children become older. Night-light’s can be useful to provide enough light for children to orientate themselves in their bedroom.

  • Around 3 years of age children often desire more independence and control. Consider offering some choices around the bedtime routine, but keep some boundaries. E.g. ‘which pyjamas would you like to wear tonight? These ones or these?’
